Designed for SEO agencies

Accurate, Affordable, Unique, Rank Tracking Software.

Daily rankings, all 100 results, both devices.

Free trial

No credit card required

Trusted by 2000 SEO teams


Receive daily rank updates and in-depth SERP details by 8:00 AM for any location.

99.9% SLA Reliability, Error-Proof Systems, Helpful Customer Support and Documentation.

Cost Effective

Get everything you need to deliver SEO campaigns for just €39 per 1,000 keywords.

Daily Mobile & Desktop ranks, Unlimited Monthly Ranks, Unrestricted Data Export, Free Migration.

Data Is Yours

Freely access the API and integrate with major reporting platforms without constraints.

API, Looker Studio, Google Sheets, CSV exports, read-only access for clients, and unlimited user access.

Rank Tracking

Unique Keyword Attributes

Get precise search volumes, SERP feature tracking, and keyword-level session and conversions.

SERP features tracking. Track SERP features and your website’s presence in them.

% of clicks on organic results. See how many people click on organic results. The metric that takes into account all SERP features combinations.

Accurate search volumes and YoY trends. See the future demand for a keyword using de-duplicated search volumes and year over year trends.

Sessions and conversions data. Keyword-level data on sessions and conversions via Organic Traffic integration.

Rank data and trend. View current rankings and quickly compare them to past performance.

And much more

  Personalized keyword difficulty

  Opportunity Score

  All-time best-rank label

  Keyword intent detection

  Automated grouping of close variations

  Rank and SERP Feature Visibility Score


Track All Competitors

Get complete historical data. Compare Visibility and identify overlaps with keyword group competitors.

Share of clicks. Get estimated monthly clicks for each website on your target keywords.

Top competitors. Get suggested competitors sorted by Visibility. We auto-identify competitors; you decide who to track closely.

Competitor keyword trends. Examine keyword-level ranking trends for your competitors.

Group-level competitors. Choose which sections of your website compete with individually-selected competitors.

Keyword-gap analysis. See which keywords your competitors rank for, but you don’t, all sorted by search volume.

Content Tracker

Track Content Changes Too

Link landing page content changes to shifts in rankings. Quickly identify cannibalization issues.

Cannibalization reports. Detect ranking drops from landing page modifications. Boost the highest-ranking page and either downgrade, redirect, or consolidate the competing ones.

Keyword presence report. Understand the role of keyword presence in ranking shifts.

Set target landing page. Assign the ideal landing page for each keyword and monitor its ranking performance.

Google cache data. The content change tracker uses Google’s own cached results, allowing you to accurately assess performance based on Google’s database, not just current data.

Export to CSV. Quickly share all ranking changes and their impact with the tech teams.

Keyword Grouping

Manage Keywords Effortlessly

Handle thousands of keywords with AI grouping, three-tiered organization, quick filters, and dynamic folders tools.

AI-driven keyword grouping. Save time with AI-powered grouping of thousands of keywords into meaningful categories.

Folders. Groups. Labels. Get granular with 3-level keyword grouping. Define folders, set custom labels, and tailor your keyword list to your campaign goals.

Spot keyword issues. One-click filters like ‘Misspellings’ and ‘Cannibalization’ make it easy to manage thousands of keywords.

Advanced Filters. Combine rank and SERP feature data with sessions and content changes for meaningful campaign grouping that the whole team can understand.

Smart Groups. Set advanced filters which auto-update your keyword groups.

Free trial, no credit card required

“SEOmonitor working with agencies stood out to us. They understand all our pain points and requirements.”

Declan Reilly

Head of SEO at Evoluted

Trusted by SEO teams


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