
Introducing the new Website Explorer

Introducing the new Website Explorer

First, we had to “unbury” it. It was probably one of the most valuable features our users couldn’t easily find, as it was hidden under a small magnifying glass icon in the old Competition module. Besides being able to open it from the new Competition view, it has now been included under the Research drop-down button, in the main menu of any campaign.

Those users that did previously manage to find it, saw an interface we weren’t proud of: a small, ugly pop-up, showing large lists of keywords, and some basic features to narrow them down. 

We’ve fixed that. It is now a fast, smart, beautiful sidebar.

What’s new?

Added the overview tab

We’ve enriched the Website Explorer with an overview, based on the keywords the website ranks for:

  • The number of ranking keywords
  • Keyword gap analysis
  • Backlink data (3rd party)

Additionally, for the UK & US markets, you get:

  • Curated, non-branded keyword database
  • Total search volume of all ranking keywords & their seasonality 
  • The Visibility metric on all ranking keywords and its trend from the previous month 
  • Estimated monthly traffic generated by the ranking keywords

Added transparency over the data source

We tell our users where the data comes from:

  • SEOmonitor’s own database, for the UK & US markets
  • Serpstat, for the rest of the markets

When the source is SEOmonitor, we also provide details on when the ranks and the filtering on non-branded keywords were last updated.

More data to export

Now you can export the top 50.000 ranking keywords of any website for the UK & US markets, and the top 1.000 for the rest of the markets.

A simplified, but more powerful keyword list view

The ranking keywords of the analyzed website are enriched with search volumes and ranks with trends for their website (and your website, on UK & US markets).

The keyword list can be sorted by the estimated traffic they would generate for each of the websites, or by their search volumes. 

The keywords can be quickly filtered to only show those for which both websites rank, or those on which just one of them ranks. 

There’s also a search option to filter the keyword list by the ones containing specific words.

Easily start tracking keywords

The Website Explorer was built to help our users find new keyword opportunities for their SEO campaigns. With that goal in mind, we’ve made it easy for you to identify good keywords, start tracking them, and organize them in groups, directly from the Website Explorer.